Please note that there are exceptions in the opening hours of our sites in Hämeenlinna, Teijo and Vantaa during the Christmas and New Year period.
The Christmas and New Year period will affect the opening hours of our Hämeenlinna, Teijo and Vantaa sites. However, the on-call number for maintenance services at our Teijo and Vantaa sites will still be answered during the holidays.
Outside these exceptions, we will operate according to our normal opening hours.
Christmas and New Year opening hours
23.-29.12.2024 Closed
31.12.2024 Open 7.30-14
1.1.2025 Closed
6.1.2025 Closed
23.12.2024-6.1.2025 Closed
The on-call number: +358 (0)50 343 6312
23.-29.12.2024 Closed
1.1.2025 Closed
The on-call number: +358 (0)40 098 6450
We wish our customers a peaceful Christmas season and a happy New Year 2025!